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Monday, May 27, 2013

Step by Step SharePoint 2010 OOTB Content Deployment From Authoring to Public Website

SharePoint 2010 OOTB Content Deployment
In short  "Content Deployment is deploying contents authored in the Authoring Farm (Source) Web Application to Destination Farm Web Application. Source and Authoring Farms can be same but Web Applications must be different"

Step by Step SharePoint 2010 OOTB Content Deployment configuration using Central Administration. 
 (1) Go the "Destination" Farm Central Administration

(2) Configure Content Deployment in the Destination Farm to accept contents from the Source Farm

(3) Select "Accept....." option. Choose Destination Server where Contents will be accepted from the Source as "Import Server". Choose Export Server if there is another Content Deployment Plan for another destination otherwise leave it to default.

(4)  Go the "Source" Farm Central Administration and configure deployment paths and job

 (5) Create a new Content Deployment Path

(6) Fill the form and Click "OK"


 (7) After a while; you see this

(8)  Create a Content Deployment Job

 (9) Fill the Form, Set the Schedule (if require) and Click OK.Test

(10) Every Night at 3AM; the Content Deployment Job will run automatically. It can also be run on-demand

 (11) Once the Content Deployment Job run successfully; test the Destination Site.

Happy SharePointing

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