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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another User Profile Service Application in SharePoint 2010 existing Farm

Another User Profile Service Application in SharePoint 2010 existing Farm

Recently I was involved in building a brand new SP2010 Farm using AutoSPInstaller scripts. AutoSPInstaller scripts seems handy and after a little more effort than expected; my new farm was built successfully. My new farm consist of following VMs

2 WFEs (WEB01 / WEB02)
2 APP Servers (APP01 / APP02)
1 Index Server (IDX01)
1 SQL Server (SQL01)

All VMs are Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard) and fully patched until Feb 2013. Database is SQL Server 2008 R2 (Enterprise)

The script already created few Service Applications and Web Applications including User Profile Service Application (with Synchronization Server Instance on APP01) which behaves the way it should and I was very happy because you know the obvious reasons.

I had another requirement to create another User Profile Service Application for another User Data Store. I planned to have the Synchronization Server Instance this time on APP02 and being an optimistic person presumed that everything will be alright.

I am not describing the details of how to create one as heaps of articles already explained this topics.

One of the best resource is

After creating the second User Profile Service Application, I selected and checked the Properties to see the Synchronization Service Instance for my new UPSA (User Profile Service Application) and was shocked that I selected APP02 but here I am looking APP01 but I did not loose my hopes.

I navigate to "Manage Services On Server" and selected "APP02" and then started User Profile Synchronization Service associating my new UPSA and providing Farm account password and clicked 'Start'.

When the service was in the process of starting; I went to APP02 Server and opened ULSViewer and filter log for "User Profiles" Category and also checked 2 FIM windows services on APP02 to find out what is going on behind the screen. After some time User Profile Synchronization Service started successfully.

When I navigate to Manage Service Applications page and select my new UPSA and checked the Synchronisation Service Instance; guess what; it showed APP02. Hurray.

The only thing I feel missed in SP2010 OOTB; when I created my new UPSA and selected APP02 as Synchronization Service Instance; SP2010 should ask Farm Account Credentials and Start User Profile Synchronization Service on APP02 and configure everything required auto magically but welcome to the world of Microsoft where magic happens when you know the back doors.

Happy to answer any question in the regard

Kindest Regards
Sohail Raza

The logs generated on APP02 ( I ignore the Errors in green color. It didn't affect me)

User Profile Application: Begin synchronizing profile property display names for language lcid = '1033'.
User Profile Application: Done synchronizing profile property display names for language lcid = '1033'.
Provisioning service instance User Profile Synchronization Service.
The service instance User Profile Synchronization Service is successfully provisioned.
SetupSynchronizationService :: Sync DB failover Check :: databaseServerMiis = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
SetupSynchronizationService :: Sync DB failover Check :: originalSyncConnectionString = Data Source=XXXXXXXXXXXXX;Initial Catalog="XXXXXXXXXXXXX";Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Connect Timeout=15
SetupSynchronizationService :: Sync DB failover Check::  originalSyncConnectionDataSource = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
SetupSynchronizationService :: Sync DB failover Check :: new datasource string on connection object = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
UserProfileApplication.SynchronizeMIIS: Begin setup for 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'.
ILMPostSetupConfiguration: ILM Configuration: Validating installation of SQL Service.
ERROR  ILMPostSetupConfiguration: ILM Configuration: Validating installation of SQL Service FAILED
ILM Configuration: Validating account.
ILM Configuration: Validating the system groups
ILM Configuration: Setting up WMI
ILM Configuration: Setting required permissions
ILM Configuration: Create install config file
ILM Configuration: Update source project
ILM Configuration: Changing service account credentials
ILM Configuration: Setting policy for service account
ILM Configuration: Configuring database
ILM Configuration: Re-starting mms service
ILM Configuration: Checking mms service
ILM Configuration: Configuring XML file.
ILM Configuration: Checking for existing FIM database.
ILM Configuration: Building database.
User Profile Application: Begin synchronizing profile property display names for language lcid = '1033'.
User Profile Application: Done synchronizing profile property display names for language lcid = '1033'.
ILM Configuration: Configuring certificate.
ILM Configuration: Configuring Registry keys.
ILM Configuration: Setting file permissions.
ILM Configuration: Opening firewall ports.
ILM Configuration: Starting services.
ILM Configuration: Post setup configuration.
Synchronization database was not previously initialized. Exporting the encryption key from the registry key to the database
ILM Configuration: The ExportMiisEncryptionKey process completed successfully
UpdateILMMA: Updated 'ILMMA' credentials
UpdateStoreAndCredentialsForInitialManagementAgents: ILMMachine XXXXXXXXXXXXX, Username XXXXXXXXXXXXX
UpdateStoreAndCredentialsForInitialManagementAgents: Updated 'MOSS-XXXXXXXXXXXXX' credentials
UserProfileApplication.SynchronizeMIIS: End setup for 'User Profile Service Application 2'.
User Profile Application: Begin synchronizing profile property display names for language lcid = '1033'.
User Profile Application: Done synchronizing profile property display names for language lcid = '1033'.